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Energy Engineering - Control Systems
Full exam
Control Systems (Prof. Casella) Written Exam – Sep 7th , 2021 Surname:.............................................. Name: ................................................... Reg. Number:............................... Signature:...................................... Notices: This booklet is comprised of 7 sheets – Check that it is complete and fill in the cover. Write your answers in the blank spaces with short arguments, including only the main steps in the derivation of the results. You are not allowed to leave the classroom unless you hand in the exam paper or withdraw from the exam. You are not allowed to consult books or lecture notes of any kind. Please hand in only this booklet at the end of the exam – no loose sheets. The clarity and order of your answers will influence how your exam is graded. Question 1 Define the various types of stability of equilibria in a dynamical system. Then, explain why all the equilibria in a given LTI dynamical system have the same stability property. Question 2 The step response of a LTI system approaches zero asymptotically as time approaches infinity. What can you say about its transfer function? Please motivate your answer clearly. Question 3 Consider a pipe carrying a liquid with constant density r, starting from a source at constant relative pressure P i, ending with a valve with a variable flow coefficient A v discharging a mass flow rate w into the atmosphere. Assuming incompressible flow and neglecting friction, the equations of the system are given on the right, where L is the constant pipe length, A is the constant pipe cross-section, P o is the pipe outlet relative pressure. 3.1 Write down the state and output equations of the system in standard state-space form, considering the valve coefficient A v as input, the mass flow rate w as a state, and the mass flow rate w and outlet pressure P o as outputs. 3.2 Compute the equilibrium conditions of the system 3.3 Write down the linearized state-space equations of the system around the equilibrium computed at point 3.2 3.4 Compute the transfer functions of the system between the deviation of the input DA v and the corresponding deviations of the outputs Dw and DP o around the generic equilibrium found at point 3.2.L Adw dt+P o−P i=0 w=A v√ρP oP iP ow 3.5 Draw the unit step response plots of the two transfer functions computed at point 3.4. 3.6 (Water hammer effect) Consider a scenario where the system is initially at equilibrium with certain non-zero values of the mass flow rate and outlet pressure. At time t = 0, the valve flow coefficient is suddenly reduced by a certain amount DA v. Based on the previously found result, draw a plot of the pipe outlet pressure P o, and comment on the consequence that this behaviour may have on the mechanical integrity of the pipe. Question 4 Consider the following block diagramA(s)= 1 s B(s)= 2 1+2s 4.1 Compute the transfer functions between the inputs u and v, and the output y. 4.2 Determine for which values of the parameter K the system is asymptotically stable.u -Ky A(s) C(s)- v B(s) C(s)= 10 1+4s Question 5 Consider the following control system, where the unit of time constants is the second: 5.1 Design a PI controller with a bandwidth of 0.08 rad/s and at least 60° phase margin. Please draw the Bode plot of the loop transfer function explicitly. 5.2 Compute the asymptotic amplitude of the error corresponding to n = sin(0.01t).H (s)=− 1 (1+2s)2 G (s)=0.3 1 (1+2s)4d H(s) C(s)y° -G(s)yu n 5.3 Suppose that the gain of G(s) becomes 0.6, but the control system remains the same. What happens to the performance of the closed loop system? 5.4 Design (if possible) a disturbance compensator which rejects the effects of the disturbance d in the bandwidth 0-0.3 rad/s. 5.5Is it possible to increase the bandwidth of the feedback loop to 1 rad/s by means of a PID controller? Motivate your answer.