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Chemical Engineering - Industrial Organic Chemistry
Full exam
INDUSTRIAL ORGANIC C HEMISTRY – EXAM 21/0 2/2018 Consider a stream ������̇ composed by methane ( 30% ), n -hexane ( 20% ), n -octane ( 30% ) and n -decane ( 20% ) which is treated with the following downstream process: The inlet stream comes to the process at ������0= 500 and 0= 4 ������ , it exchanges heat in the second flash and then it is fed to the first flash, which is operated at ������1= 3 ������ . Then the liquid stream 1̇ coming from the first flash is fed to the second flash, which is operated at ������2= 1 ������ . Con sidering the following assumptions: • Negligible pressure drops in the whole process scheme. • The equilibrium conditions are reached in each flash. • Vapour can be treated as an ideal mixture of ideal gases. • Liquid can be treated as an ideal mixture with neglig ible Poynting correction. • ������4 can be treated as an incondensable compound. Evaluate: 1. The state of the feed ������̇ before entering in the second flash. 2. The temperature of the first flash, as well as its extent of vaporization and the composition of the liquid stream 1̇ considering that the molar fraction of methane in the vapour phase is 0.7 3. The temperature of the second flash and its extent of vaporization , considering that ������������2 is 5° above the minimum all owable temperat ure for the flash operating conditions. 4. The temperature of the feed ������̇ at the exit of the second flash ( ������1). 5. The state of the feed ������̇ entering in the first flash 6. The thermal duty ̇ of the first flash. Thermodynamic data log 10(°(������))= − ������+ ; ������= []; °(������)= [������ ] ������4 − − − 6������14 4.00266 1171 .530 −48 .784 8������18 4.04867 1355 .126 −63 .633 10������22 4.07857 1501 .268 −78 .670 ������������ [ (������ ) ⁄ ] ������������ [ (������ ) ⁄ ] Δ������������������(������������������������ ) [ ������⁄ ] ������4 − 35 .8 − 6������14 195 .6 143 .3 31573 8������18 255 .7 175 .9 41495 10������22 313 .3 233 .1 51392