Energy Engineering - Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Engineering

Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Engineering

Synthetic program:

This subject deals with geology, hydraulics and physics matters mainly, including the most advanced concepts of physics and chemistry of 2 and 3 phase reservoir systems. The subject itself includes the theoretical and practical aspects of the industrial activity consisting in exploiting hydrocarbon reservoirs nowadays. Thus both the office computations and interpretations and the on site data collection operations are considered and involved, not only during the appraisal and first exploration stages, but mainly during and within the development and mature production ones. Skills are provided apt to be used and optimized both when working for Oil Companies and for Service or Educational Companies and Centers. The here provided elements have clearly shown to be fundamental and comprehensive as far as deals of today's industrial jobs and interventions are directly and extensively concerned. Lessons can be repeated and/or summarized in English, upon request. Even in the Italian language, lessons contain the fundamental technical terms which are proper of the English language itself. Technical visits are included, while technical stages are complimentarily encouraged. Adequate consideration and attention are paid to the composition of the school crew attending the subject. (Course held in English).

Tecnicamente parlando, il Corso mira nella prima parte ad affrontare, sviluppare ed approfondire gli aspetti tecnici di tipo progettuale e realizzative residenti nelle attività di ricerca, sviluppo e sfruttamento dei giacimenti petroliferi oggi. Ci si occupa peraltro anche di aspetti finanziari e gestionali che comprendono anche analisi integrate di supporto indispensabile alle decisioni anche in ambito contrattuale e operativo. Il Corso mira peraltro anche e soprattutto ad approfondire gli aspetti tecnici di progetto e di esecuzione in sito connessi alle attività di esplorazione (geofisica e perforazione comprese) e di messa in produzione (su scala ultradecennale) dei pozzi all'interno dei giacimenti petroliferi. Risalto adeguato viene dato al sistema pozzo e al sistema giacimento, ed al passaggio da un sistema all'altro. Ci si occupa della separazione di fase che avviene sia nelle tubazioni verticali in pozzo, sia a testa pozzo, e tenendo adeguatamente in conto la realtà energetica mondiale di oggi. Si includono anche contenuti impiantistici e si sviluppano analisi parametriche e di influenza, di supporto ai procedimenti di decisione e di ottimizzazione.

Lecture Notes

Complete course:

Type File name Year
Handwritten notes Course summary (ENG) 2017/2018
Handwritten notes Theory notebook (ITA) 2017/2018

Divided by topic:

Type File name Year
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Complete course:

Type File name Year
Digital notes Assignment 2017/2018
Digital notes Assessed Work 2015/2016
Digital notes Exercise # 0: Procedure 2013/2014
Digital notes Exercise # 2: solution 2013/2014
Digital notes Exercise # 2: Text 2013/2014
Digital notes Exercise # 3: solution 2013/2014
Digital notes Exercise # 3: Text 2013/2014
Digital notes Exercise # 4: solution 2013/2014
Digital notes Exercise # 4: Text 2013/2014
Digital notes Exercise # 5: solution 2013/2014
Digital notes Exercise # 5: Text 2013/2014
Digital notes Exercise #1: solution 2013/2014
Digital notes Tutorial # 1: Text 2013/2014
Digital notes Tutorial # 6: solution 2013/2014
Digital notes Tutorial # 6: Text 2013/2014
Digital notes Tutorial # 7: solution 2013/2014
Digital notes Tutorial # 7: Text 2013/2014
Digital notes Tutorial # 8: solution 2013/2014
Digital notes Tutorial # 8: Text 2013/2014
Digital notes Tutorial # 9: solution 2013/2014
Digital notes Tutorial # 9: Text 2013/2014

Divided by topic:

Type File name Year
Digital notes Assignment 2023/2024
Digital notes Assignment solution 2023/2024


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Digital notes Assignment 2023/2024


First partial exam:

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Second partial exam:

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Full exam:

Type Date
Text 03/09/2018
Text 01/02/2018
Text 03/07/2017
Solution 03/07/2017
Solution 02/05/2016
Solution 01/05/2015
Solution 2021
Text 2023

Oral exam:

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Multiple choice test:

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Collections of notes, exercises or exams:


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Quick daily notes, exercises and audio recordings. Files will be approved on priority but deleted after 365 days. 2 points will be assigned by default.

Quick contents:

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