This page lists all the users available to give their support with tutoring sessions or repetitions. All users can appear for free.
For tutors:
All users can appear on this page for free by filling in the dedicated section of their profile. The service you will offer can be whether paid or free. The purpose of this page is only to facilitate contact between the parties. We will not require commissions. Remember to carefully fill in your profile and add your favorite social networks to be contacted. The profiles are sorted by activity on the site: first to those who have the most points, then to those who have accumulated the most badges and finally to those who visit the site more frequently. The notes you send us will be proof of quality for the students who select the tutor.
For students:
It is possible to filter tutors by university and course of study and contact them by visiting their profile through the connected social networks. The purpose of this page is solely to facilitate contact between the parties. You will discuss any economic conditions directly with them and we will not ask for commissions. Tutor profiles are sorted by activity on the website, check the files they have uploaded to make an idea of the quality of their work.
Politecnico di Milano
Biomedical Eng.
Politecnico di Milano
Aerospace Eng.
Politecnico di Milano
ing. Meccanica
Politecnico di Milano
ing. Meccanica
Politecnico di Milano
Management Eng.
Politecnico di Milano
ing. Meccanica
Politecnico di Milano
ing. Meccanica
Politecnico di Milano
Biomedical Eng.
Politecnico di Milano
Aerospace Eng.
Politecnico di Milano
Aerospace Eng.
Politecnico di Milano
Aerospace Eng.
Politecnico di Milano
Aerospace Eng.