Mechanical Engineering - Advanced Manufacturing Processes

Advanced Manufacturing Processes

Synthetic program:

Aspetti generali relativi ai processi di lavorazione non convenzionali: principi fisici, modellazione, applicazioni. Tecnologia laser: generazione e caratteristiche del fascio laser, interazione laser-materia, processi (taglio, saldatura, trattamento termico, marcatura, riporto), sistemi laser. Tecnologia water jet: generazione e caratteristiche dei getti liquidi ad alta pressione, parametri e qualità della lavorazione, intensificatori di pressione. Altri processi di tipo termico (taglio plasma, elettroerosione, lavorazioni electron beam / ion beam) e meccanico (lavorazioni a ultrasuoni). Lavorazioni chimiche ed elettrochimiche. Tecnologia delle microlavorazioni meccaniche: processi di asportazione del materiale in ambito micro, macchine, applicazioni, modelli di formazione del truciolo.Scelta e valutazione economica dei processi di lavorazione non convenzionali.

Classification framework for both traditional and advanced manufacturing processes. Classification and overview of special processes, based on the type of energy applied (thermal, mechanical, electrochemical, etc.) and the tool as a “beam” of energy. General modelling of processes and systems. Distinctions and feature of physical, logical and mathematical (analytical, numerical, empirical) models.

Thermal modelling. Review of fundamentals of heat transfer. The heat equation and its practical applications in thermal machining and heat treatments. · Laser beam processing. Fundamentals of the physics of lasers: stimulated emission, properties of the laser beam. The technology of laser generation (sources) and transmission (optics, glass fibres). Interaction mechanisms between the laser beam and the engineering materials. Laser beam machining by fusion, melt and blow, vaporization and ablation. Laser beam (conduction and keyhole) welding. Other applications of lasers. · Additive manufacturing processes. Overview of the main processes/systems for metals (SLM, EBM, etc.). Product quality and examples of applications. · Electro discharge machining. The technology of EDM by plunge and wire. The mechanism of material removal by spark erosion. Process parameters influence and cutting quality. Applications. · Plasma arc processing. Properties of plasmas. The technology of plasma beam generation: historical evolutions of plasma torches. Process parameters influence and cutting quality. Other applications of plasmas.

Waterjet processing. Introduction to pure and abrasive waterjet machining. The technology of WJ/AWJ systems: pumps and pressure intensifiers, the cutting head and its components. Modelling the jet formation and the interaction mechanisms between the jet and the engineering materials. Process parameters influence in AWJ machining and cutting quality. Empirical modelling and cost optimization of waterjet machining. · Flexible forming processes. Hydroforming of tubes: systems, loading curves, forming mechanisms and main applications. Fluid and flexible forming of sheets: systems and applications. · Ultrasonic processing. The technology of vibrations generation: electromagnetic and piezoelectric transducers, the sonotrode. Interaction mechanisms between the tool, the abrasive slurry and fragile materials. Main applications of the process. The process of ultrasonic welding: process parameters and applications. · Micromachining. Main differences between traditional machining and ultra-precision machining. Typical tolerances and application of micromachining. Examples of systems.

Lecture Notes

Complete course:

Type File name Year
Digital notes Theoretical Notes 2024/2025
Digital notes Complete notes of the course 2018/2019

Divided by topic:

Type File name Year
Digital notes Part 1 (Laser. Modellazione termica. Applicazioni industriali del laser (taglio, saldatura). Taglio al plasma. Elettroerosione (EDM).) 2011/2012
Digital notes Part 2 (Water Jet. Idroformatura. Microlavorazioni. Lavorazioni a ultrasuoni (USM, USW). Lavorazioni elettrochimiche (ECM). Lavorazioni a fascio elettronico (EBM).) 2011/2012


Type File name Year
Digital notes Form 2023/2024
Digital notes Teoria in preparazione alle domande a crocette 2023/2024


Complete course:

Type File name Year
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Divided by topic:

Type File name Year
Handwritten notes Advanced Machining 2023/2024
Handwritten notes Electrical Discharged Machining 2023/2024
Handwritten notes Flexible Forming 2023/2024
Handwritten notes Laser Process 2023/2024
Handwritten notes Ultrasonic Machining Exercises 2024/2025
Handwritten notes Waterjet Cutting Exercises 2024/2025


Type File name Year
Handwritten notes Form for the exercises 2023/2024


First partial exam:

Type Date
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Second partial exam:

Type Date
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Full exam:

Type Date
Text and solution 26/07/2024
Text and solution 13/01/2024
Text and solution 20/07/2023
Text and solution 10/02/2023
Text and solution 20/01/2023
Text and solution 09/09/2022
Text and solution 17/06/2022
Text 22/01/2021
Text 20/07/2020
Text 19/06/2020
Text 12/09/2019
Text 18/07/2019
Text 20/06/2019
Text 19/02/2019
Text 14/02/2019
Text 24/01/2019
Text 13/09/2018
Text 19/07/2018
Text 28/06/2018
Text 15/02/2018
Text 25/01/2018
Text 18/07/2017
Text 09/02/2017
Text 13/09/2016
Text 11/09/2015
Text 03/07/2015
Text 05/03/2015
Text 13/02/2013
Text 18/09/2012
Text 09/07/2012
Text 13/02/2012

Oral exam:

Type Date
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Multiple choice test:

Type Date
Text and solution 29/01/2024
Text and solution 12/01/2024
Text and solution 21/01/2022




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Collections of notes, exercises or exams:


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Quick daily notes, exercises and audio recordings. Files will be approved on priority but deleted after 365 days. 2 points will be assigned by default.

Quick contents:

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