Synthetic program: Combustibili e combustione. Meccanismi di formazione dei principali inquinanti. Tecniche per il controllo degli inquinanti in sede di combustione e per il trattamento degli effluenti. Misura della concentrazione di inquinanti in effluenti gassosi. Analisi di secondo principio di cicli di potenza. Analisi dei processi per produzione di energia elettrica mediante cicli a vapore, turbine a gas, cicli combinati: caratteristiche termodinamiche e tecnologiche, aspetti progettuali ed economici, prestazioni, combustibili e impatto ambientale, regolazione. Generatori di vapore. Scambiatori di calore e smaltimento del calore in ambiente (sistemi ad acqua aperti, a secco, con torri evaporative). La cogenerazione di elettricità e calore: risparmi energetici, indici di prestazione, tecnologie, curve di funzionamento, fattibilità economica. Fluidi frigorigeni e cicli frigoriferi.
Energy scenario: seminar giving an overview of world energy demand, production, expected evolution.
Fuels and combustions: Basic properties of fossil fuels, stoichiometry and energy balance of combustion reactions, evaluation of parameters relevant for the assessment of the performance of fossil fuel-fired energy systems.
Steam Cycles: Basic thermodynamic features and configuration. Regeneration and reheat. Optimization of operating parameters. Interaction between cycle parameters, scale and turbo-machine performance. Architecture and basic issues of steam generators. Material issues. Modern Ultra-Super-Critical plants.
1st and 2nd Law analysis: Energy balances of energy conversion systems. Fundamentals of 2nd Law analysis. Applications to the basic processes encountered in energy conversion systems. Reactive systems and combustion.
Gas turbines and combined cycles: Basic thermodynamic features and configuration of Joule cycles. Regeneration, intercooling and reheat. Choice of cycle parameters vs type of duty and application. Material issues and blade cooling. Motivation and basic features of combined cycle configuration. Heat Recovery Steam Generators.
Economic analysis: Basic approach and tools to evaluate the cost of electricity. Comparative analysis of most relevant fossil fuel-based and renewable-source-based power plants.
Heat exchangers & steam generators: Architecture, basic features and issues of the heat exchangers utilized in large energy conversion systems. Case study on heat rejection by a large power plant.
Cogeneration: Meaning and motivation of cogeneration. Applications to steam cycles, gas turbine and combined cycles, internal combustion engines. District heating applications. Performance indexes.
Refrigeration cycles and heat pumps: Inverse thermodynamic cycles. Choice of working fluids and configuration. Multi-level arrangement.
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