Aeronautical engineering - Aerospace control system


Synthetic program:

Systems theory – stability and performance: Equilibria of nonlinear systems; Lyapunov stability for equilibria of nonlinear systems: definition and examples; Stability for LTI systems; From classical performance indicators to modern ones; H2 performance for linear systems; H performance for linear systems.

Linear SISO feedback systems – nominal design: Frequency-domain loop-shaping and sensitivity shaping; time-domain state feedback and observer-based output-feedback using classical methods (eigenvalue assignment, LQ control).

Linear SISO feedback systems - robust analysis and design: Uncertainty modelling in SISO systems; Robust stability analysis of SISO feedback systems; Nominal and robust performance analysis; Requirement specification; Robust design: unstructured and structured mixed sensitivity synthesis.

Linear MIMO robust analysis and design: Introduction to MIMO linear systems; Nominal stability and performance in the MIMO case; Robust stability and performance in the MIMO case; MIMO robust design.

Implementation issues: modern anti-windup methods for MIMO control systems subject to saturations; implementation of gain-scheduled controllers.

Aircraft flight control: Introduction to flight control architectures (classical SAS+CAS; dynamic inversion, model following); Aircraft SAS and CAS design (longitudinal and lateral-directional).

Rotorcraft attitude control: modelling for attitude control; rotorcraft SAS; rotor state feedback.

UAV attitude and position control: PID cascade architecture; inversion-based architectures (dynamic inversion and model following).

Structural control: active vibration control systems.

Lecture Notes

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