Management Engineering - Probabilita e Statistica Matematice

Probabilita e Statistica Matematica

Synthetic program:

Probabilità. Definizione assiomatica e proprietà. Probabilità condizionata; formula di Bayes. Variabili aleatorie: modelli discreti e continui, leggi di probabilità, funzioni di densità e di ripartizione. Distribuzioni multivariate (nel caso di indipendenza quelle continue). Valore atteso, varianza, quantili. Legge dei grandi numeri. Teorema Centrale del Limite. Vettori aleatori: distribuzioni congiunte, matrice di Varianza e Covarianza, correlazione e indipendenza. Statistica Descrittiva: Strumenti grafici di esplorazione dei dati (istogrammi, boxplot, grafici a torta, funzione di ripartizione empirica, qqplot). Statistica inferenziale. Stimatori di media e varianza di una densità, errore quadratico medio di uno stimatore. Intervalli di confidenza. Intervalli di predizione. Verifica delle ipotesi per la media e la varianza, errori di I e II tipo, potenza, p-value.

Lecture Notes

Complete course:

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Divided by topic:

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Type File name Year
Digital notes Example of project 's report 2010/2011


Complete course:

Type File name Year
Handwritten notes Complete exercises with solution - Part 1 2017/2018
Handwritten notes Complete exercises with solution - Part 2 2017/2018

Divided by topic:

Type File name Year
Digital notes Exercises - grup 1 2018/2019
Digital notes Exercises - grup 2 2018/2019
Digital notes Exercises - grup 3 2018/2019
Digital notes Exercises - grup 4 2018/2019


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First partial exam:

Type Date
Text and solution 19/04/2023
Text and solution 13/04/2022
Text and solution 23/04/2021
Text and solution 15/04/2019
Text and solution 15/04/2019
Text and solution 02/05/2018
Text and solution 02/05/2018
Text and solution 02/05/2017
Text and solution 02/05/2017
Text and solution 09/05/2016
Text and solution 09/05/2016
Text and solution 30/04/2015
Text and solution 30/04/2015
Text and solution 08/05/2014
Text and solution 08/05/2014
Text and solution 07/05/2013
Text and solution 07/05/2013

Second partial exam:

Type Date
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Full exam:

Type Date
Text and solution 20/06/2024
Text and solution 28/06/2023
Text and solution 17/02/2023
Text and solution 20/01/2023
Text and solution 29/08/2022
Text and solution 10/06/2022
Text and solution 18/02/2022
Text and solution 24/01/2022
Text and solution 27/08/2021
Text and solution 24/06/2021
Text and solution 22/01/2021
Text and solution 08/09/2020
Text and solution 03/07/2020
Text and solution 15/06/2020
Text and solution 17/01/2020
Text and solution 10/09/2019
Text and solution 05/07/2019
Text and solution 13/02/2017
Text and solution 09/09/2016
Text and solution 19/07/2016
Text and solution 04/07/2016
Text and solution 11/01/2016
Text and solution 16/09/2015
Text and solution 23/07/2015
Text and solution 09/07/2015
Text and solution 16/02/2015
Text and solution 02/09/2014
Text and solution 14/07/2014
Text and solution 27/06/2014
Text and solution 05/02/2014
Text and solution 16/09/2013
Text and solution 16/07/2013
Text and solution 24/06/2013

Oral exam:

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Multiple choice test:

Type Date
Text and solution 20/06/2024
Text and solution 28/06/2023
Text and solution 19/04/2023
Text and solution 17/02/2023
Text and solution 20/01/2023
Text and solution 29/08/2022
Text and solution 10/06/2022
Text and solution 13/04/2022
Text and solution 18/02/2022
Text and solution 24/01/2022
Text and solution 27/08/2021
Text and solution 24/06/2021
Text and solution 04/06/2021
Text and solution 23/04/2021
Text and solution 22/01/2021
Text and solution 03/07/2020
Text and solution 15/06/2020
Text and solution 17/01/2020
Text and solution 10/09/2019
Text and solution 05/07/2019
Text and solution 13/02/2017
Text and solution 09/09/2016
Text and solution 19/07/2016
Text and solution 04/07/2016
Text and solution 11/01/2016
Text and solution 16/09/2015
Text and solution 23/07/2015
Text and solution 09/07/2015
Text and solution 16/02/2015
Text and solution 02/09/2014
Text and solution 14/07/2014
Text and solution 27/06/2014
Text and solution 05/02/2014
Text and solution 16/09/2013
Text and solution 16/07/2013
Text and solution 24/06/2013


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Collections of notes, exercises or exams:

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Quick daily notes, exercises and audio recordings. Files will be approved on priority but deleted after 365 days. 2 points will be assigned by default.

Quick contents:

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