Management Engineering - Business & Industrial Economics

Business & Industrial Economics

Synthetic program:

Programma sintetico:

Efficiency, coordination, and economic organization
Why do firms and industries exist? The role of specialization, exchange, coordination; Efficient allocation of resources (general equilibrium and welfare economics); Coordination mechanisms: the invisible hand of markets and the visible hand of firms and institutions.

Competitive structures
Insights into different market forms; Concentration and concentration indices; Regulation of natural monopoly.

Market failures
Market power: allocative inefficiency; Externalities: consumption and production externalities, remedies to externalities, network externalities; Public Goods; Information asymmetries: moral hazard and adverse selection, remedies to information asymmetries: signals and incentives; Transaction costs: bounded rationality, specific investments, opportunistic behavior; Transaction costs and governance of transactions.

Oligopolistic markets
Strategic interdependence and duopolistic models; Entry barriers, entry deterrence and limit pricing; Price discrimination; The theory of contestable markets: on the conditions for potential competition and on the existence of perfectly contestable markets.

Theories of the firm and their implications
The neo-classical profit maximization assumption: critiques and alternatives; Theories of the firm: managerial theories, contractual perspectives (agency theory, property rights theory), resource- and knowledge-based theories; Determinants and insights into firm boundaries: horizontal and vertical integration, diversification, mergers & acquisitions, alliances and other intermediate forms between firm and market; Determinants of internationalization and the multinational corporation.

Technological change and innovation
Theories of technological change: the legacy of Schumpeter; Market structure and innovation; The economics of standards: hardware/software paradigm, winner-takes-all-markets and technological standard wars.

Industrial and competition policy
Classification of policies: industrial policy, regulation and antitrust; The economics of anti-trust (market power analysis, collusion and cartels, predatory pricing and exclusionary practices); The economics of ex-ante regulation (road “map” to regulation, first- and second-best solutions; asymmetric information and regulation: cost-plus, price-cap, yardstick competition); Industrial policy: approaches and experiences.

Lecture Notes

Complete course:

Type File name Year
Digital notes Complete Course Notes 2020/2021
Digital notes Complete course notes 2015/2016

Divided by topic:

Type File name Year
Digital notes Module B 2021/2022
Digital notes Module B: Market failures 2023/2024
Digital notes Modules B, C, D - Markets and market failure, theories and bounderies of the firms 2018/2019
Digital notes Modules E, F, G - Advanced competition models and Market vs regulation 2018/2019
Digital notes Network Economics 2020/2021


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Complete course:

Type File name Year
Digital notes Esercizi per prima prova in itinere 2014/2015

Divided by topic:

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First partial exam:

Type Date
Text 28/04/2016
Text 08/05/2015

Second partial exam:

Type Date
Text 13/06/2022
Text 26/06/2020
Text 16/07/2018
Text 15/06/2018
Text 09/07/2015
Solution 09/07/2015

Full exam:

Type Date
Text 12/07/2023
Text 21/06/2023
Solution 21/06/2023
Text and solution 20/06/2022
Text 09/09/2021
Text and solution 09/09/2021
Text and solution 20/07/2021
Text and solution 29/06/2021
Text and solution 12/07/2019
Text and solution 21/06/2019

Oral exam:

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Multiple choice test:

Type Date
Text and solution 01/07/2022


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Collections of notes, exercises or exams:

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Quick daily notes, exercises and audio recordings. Files will be approved on priority but deleted after 365 days. 2 points will be assigned by default.

Quick contents:

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