Computer Engineering - Advanced Operating Systems

Advanced Operating Systems

Synthetic program:
Design and development of software for embedded and real-time applications. Characteristics of the embedded systems and peculiarities of their application and system software. Tools for the development of custom applications. Real time operating systems (RTOS). Environments and flows for development and management of code, profiling. Development of device drivers. Organization of the source code. Loadable modules, Memory and I/O management. Operations on files and char devices. Concurrency and time management. Processes and scheduling, sleeping and interrupt management. Case studies based on Linux and other commercial RTOS. (Course held in english) SISTEMI OPERATIVI AVANZATI Progettazione e sviluppo del software di sistema e real-time per applicazioni specifiche. Caratteristiche di un sistema embedded e peculiarità del suo software applicativo e di sistema. Strumenti di sviluppo del software per applicazioni dedicate. Sistemi operativi real-time (RTOS). Ambienti di sviluppo e di gestione del codice. Analisi del software embedded: formalismi e strumenti di analisi/profiling del codice. Sviluppo di device drivers. Organizzazione del codice sorgete, moduli caricabili. Gestione della memoria e dell'I/O, operazioni su file e Char device, concorrenza, gestione del tempo, processi, scheduling, Sleeping and Interrupt management. Casi di studio. Esempi di analisi, scelte realizzative e sviluppo di progetti in ambito Linux e con sistemi operativi real time. (Insegnamento tenuto in lingua inglese)


Lecture Notes

Complete course:

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Divided by topic:

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Complete course:

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Divided by topic:

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First partial exam:

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Second partial exam:

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Full exam:

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Text 28/06/2016
Text 24/02/2016
Text 18/12/2015
Text 09/09/2015
Text 01/07/2015
Text 25/02/2015
Text 04/02/2015
Text 18/12/2014

Oral exam:

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Multiple choice test:

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Collections of notes, exercises or exams:

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Quick daily notes, exercises and audio recordings. Files will be approved on priority but deleted after 365 days. 2 points will be assigned by default.

Quick contents:

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