Energy Engineering - Meccanica dei Solidi

Meccanica dei Solidi

Synthetic program:

Il corso intende introdurre gli allievi energetici alla meccanica delle strutture, permettendo loro di maturare la padronanza delle regole che governano l'equilibrio di sistemi articolati. L'impostazione generale del corso e' mirata ad utilizzare i sistemi di travi come oggetti d'indagine di immediato interesse ingegneristico, mantenendo tuttavia un'attenzione costante alla generalita' concettuale degli strumenti utilizzati. Nella seconda parte del corso, i concetti di deformazione, di sforzo, e di legame costitutivo vengono introdotti in termini abbastanza generali ed applicati alla meccanica linearizzata (piccoli spostamenti ed elasticita' lineare). Viene poi illustrato il calcolo delle sollecitazioni in elementi di trave, con riferimento ai casi di Saint-Venant, in cui tuttavia si privilegia l'applicazione a esempi pratici rispetto alla derivazione rigorosa delle espressioni analitiche da utilizzare. Le nozioni di verifica di resistenza e di stabilita' dell'equilibrio sono accennate nella parte finale del corso e finalizzate alle applicazioni pratiche. Si introducono infine, in termini concettuali e operativi, gli approcci basati sul metodo della deformata elastica e sul principio dei lavori virtuali per l'analisi degli spostamenti e il calcolo delle reazioni iperstatiche in sistemi di travi piani.

Lecture Notes

Complete course:

Type File name Year
Handwritten notes Complete course notes - Prof.ssa Pandolfi 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Complete course notes - Prof. Bruggi 2014/2015

Divided by topic:

Type File name Year
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Type File name Year
Digital notes Formulas 2018/2019
Digital notes Raccolta domande-risposte aperte 2023/2024
Digital notes Summary of the theory with definitions 2016/2017


Complete course:

Type File name Year
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Divided by topic:

Type File name Year
Handwritten notes 01 - Kinematic analysis 2017/2018
Handwritten notes 02 - Constraint reactions 2017/2018
Handwritten notes 03 - Internal actions 2017/2018
Handwritten notes 05 - Stress and strain state 2017/2018
Handwritten notes 06 - Geometric characteristics 2017/2018
Handwritten notes 07 - Pressure hose 2017/2018
Handwritten notes 08 - Pressure bending 2017/2018
Handwritten notes 09 - Pressure bending, shear and torsion 2017/2018
Handwritten notes 10 - PLV: displacements in isostatic structures and hyperstatic unknowns 2017/2018
Handwritten notes 11 - Elastic line 2017/2018
Handwritten notes Examples of calculation of support reactions 2018/2019
Digital notes Exercise carried out as a second test in itinere: ese6.1 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Exercise on cutting 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Exercise on deviated tension-flexion 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Exercise on the criteria of resistance 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Exercise on the kinematics of deformable continuums 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Exercise performed on constraint reactions: ex 1.1 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Exercise performed on constraint reactions: ex 1.2 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Exercise performed on constraint reactions: ex 1.3 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Exercise performed on constraint reactions: ex 1.4 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Exercise performed on constraint reactions: ex 1.5 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Exercise performed type roll: ese7.1 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Exercise performed type roll: ese7.2 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Exercise similar to that of a roll call 2018/2019
Handwritten notes First exercise carried out on internal reactions: ese2.1 2018/2019
Digital notes First trial 2012 2011/2012
Handwritten notes Last exercise before the I in itinere test: ese4.1 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Last exercise before the I in itinere test: ese4.2 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Last exercise before the I in itinere test: ese4.3 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Second exercise carried out on the reaz. internal: ese3.1 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Second exercise carried out on the reaz. internal: ese3.2 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Second exercise carried out on the reaz. internal: ese3.3 2018/2019
Handwritten notes Second exercise carried out on the reaz. internal: ese3.4 2018/2019


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First partial exam:

Type Date
Text 06/11/2019
Solution 06/11/2019
Solution 06/11/2018
Text 06/11/2018
Text 23/11/2015
Solution 23/11/2015
Text 20/11/2014
Solution 20/11/2014
Text 17/11/2012
Solution 17/11/2012
Text 09/11/2011
Solution 09/11/2011

Second partial exam:

Type Date
Solution 06/02/2015
Text 06/02/2014
Solution 06/02/2014
Text 07/02/2013
Solution 07/02/2013
Text 18/01/2012
Solution 18/01/2012

Full exam:

Type Date
Text 23/09/2014
Solution 23/09/2014
Text 05/09/2014
Solution 05/09/2014
Text 15/07/2014
Solution 15/07/2014
Text 02/07/2014
Solution 02/07/2014
Solution 27/02/2014
Text 24/02/2014
Solution 24/02/2014
Text 11/02/2014
Solution 11/02/2014
Text 25/09/2013
Solution 25/09/2013
Text 11/09/2013
Solution 11/09/2013
Text 24/06/2013
Solution 24/06/2013
Text 21/02/2013
Solution 21/02/2013
Text 08/02/2013
Solution 08/02/2013
Text 26/09/2012
Solution 26/09/2012
Text 12/09/2012
Solution 12/09/2012
Text 25/06/2012
Solution 25/06/2012
Text 17/02/2012
Solution 17/02/2012
Text 03/02/2012
Solution 03/02/2012

Oral exam:

Type Date
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Multiple choice test:

Type Date
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Collections of notes, exercises or exams:

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Quick daily notes, exercises and audio recordings. Files will be approved on priority but deleted after 365 days. 2 points will be assigned by default.

Quick contents:

File name Date
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