Synthetic program: Numeri reali e complessi. Funzioni reali di una variabile reale. Funzioni elementari. Successioni e limiti. Continuità e teoremi sulle funzioni continue. Derivata e differenziale. Applicazione del calcolo differenziale a problemi di ottimizzazione. Formula di Taylor...
Lecture Notes
Complete course:
Divided by topic:
Type |
File name |
Year |
Digital notes |
1_ECM e Materiali |
2020/2021 |
Digital notes |
2_Osso e muscolo |
2020/2021 |
Digital notes |
3_Tendini, legamenti e cartilagine |
2020/2021 |
Digital notes |
4_Vasi sanguigni e sangue |
2020/2021 |
Handwritten notes |
Introduzione, ECM, tessuto osseo, tessuto muscolare (teoria + esercizi) |
2019/2020 |
Digital notes |
Materiali Biologici |
2024/2025 |
Handwritten notes |
Tendini, legamenti, cartilagine, vasi, sangue, fluidod., modelli viscoelastici (teoria + esercizi) |
2019/2020 |
Digital notes |
Tessuto muscolare |
2022/2023 |
Complete course:
Type |
File name |
Year |
Digital notes |
Esercizi disegno tecnico |
2018/2019 |
Handwritten notes |
Exercises of the course |
2018/2019 |
Digital notes |
Raccolta esercizi tratti da temi d'esame |
2018/2019 |
Handwritten notes |
Riassunti e esercizi (muscolo, tessuto cardiaco, cartilagine, poroelasticità) |
2018/2019 |
Digital notes |
Riassunti e esercizi (vasi, sangue, tessuto osseo) |
2018/2019 |
Divided by topic:
Type |
File name |
Year |
File not available... |
First partial exam:
Second partial exam:
Full exam:
Oral exam:
Type |
Date |
File not available... |
Multiple choice test:
Type |
Date |
File not available... |
File name |
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File name |
Year |
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File name |
Year |
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File name |
Year |
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Collections of notes, exercises or exams:
File name |
Year |
File not available... |
Quick daily notes, exercises and audio recordings. Files will be approved on priority but deleted after 365 days. 2 points will be assigned by default.
Quick contents:
File name |
Date |
File not available... |